Carly Fioriona wants to empower women, but doesn’t want to say the V-word

Carly Fioriona responds to sexist remarks by a Ted Cruz supporter

Carly Fiorina speaks during Republican presidential debate at Milwaukee Theatre, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Carly Fioriona is one of the few self-made women contending in the 2016 presidential campaign. Mrs. Fioriona who was the former Hewlett-Packard CEO has no real political resume, other than a bid at a California Senate seat in 2010, which she failed to gain. Mrs. Fioriona strong points come from her being the led female conservative opposition, to the Democratic bid by Hillary Clinton. However, her polling is quite low, sitting around 3% of the GOP, nowhere close to Trumps 36%.

Moreover, Carly Fioriona has come under the spotlight, after Steve Deace, an Iowa conservative radio host, who supports Ted Cruz tweeted “Wow….Fiorina goes full vagina right away”, in response to Carly Fioriona’s campaign ad. The ad that Fioriona ran outlined her triumphs against adversity, which made her an exceptional candidate for presidency. Some of the obstacles Carly faced were, losing her daughter, beating breast cancer, and working her way to CEO of a major fortune 500 company, while “getting called every b-word” in the book along the way.

I don’t know how losing your daughter, climbing the vicious corporate ladder, and fighting cancer makes you a “full vagina”, because in my books that makes you one hell of a person. Steve Deace’s rationale for the tweet was that Carly Fioriona was playing the “gender card”, really Deace really? How does facing near death, and the loss of a loved one, imply one is a “full vagina”, obviously Mr. Deace hasn’t faced any major life changing matters of his own.

Soon after his sexist tweet, Steve Deace half-heartedly apologized to Mrs. Fioriona on twitter, stating “[my wife] tells me while on point about Carly and gender card I was too vulgar and need to apologize. And my wife is ALWAYS right. So I do”. Is he serious? Did he really just apologize just because his wife told him to, nice going Deace. The nerve this guy has, to knowingly make a sexist comment but deflect the responsibility of his actions, by stating his wife made him apologize. Steve Deace should grow a pair and do the right thing and make a genuine apology.

In response to Steve Deace, Carly Fiorina has taken the tweet as a direct insult from the Cruz campaign. Mrs.Fioriona acknowledges that after she told “[her] American dream story of [her] life, a prominent member of the Cruz campaign said that [she] had gone full V-word.” I know it’s not nice to call someone a vagina, but not being able to say the word, come on. I’m pretty sure Carly Fiorina isn’t 7 years old, so why does she have such a hard time saying the V-word, I hope it isn’t something new to her. What is Carly Fiorina scared of? Is she whispering a curse word, or the name of one who should not be named, “Voldemort”? For a woman who is trying to empower women, having troubling saying Vagina is kinda a sticking issue.

Will Carly Fiorina’s newly faced controversy strengthen her standing as GOP candidate? Subsequently, she has released a new digital campaign because of the sexist comments towards her, in order to send the message that she supports the empowerment of women. Nevertheless, Carly Fiorina’s still stands at 3% of the GOP polls, even after the sympathy she gained, making her spotlight nothing more than 15 minutes of fame.