You Can’t Stump the Trump

America's radical Republican contender


Do you know of any other outspoken, belligerent political figure, which amassed massive controversy and shock, with his mass rallies, promising national rejuvenation, and a country free of “unpatriotic” citizens? If you were thinking of some fascist leader, then you might just be right, in this case we are talking about Donald Trump. Donald Trump has taken the forefront of world politics in the past few months, with his articulate speeches, spouting Xenophobic and Islamaphobic rhetoric. Some may call it free speech, but many call it hate speech.There are striking similarities between Donald Trump and previous totalitarian leaders, such as Mussolini, which include not only their poor hairstyle choices. Donald Trump has branded ethnic minorities such as Mexican and Muslims, as detrimental to American society.

Trump’s steps to rejuvenation 

Trump has called Mexican’s “rapists” and the root cause of criminal activity in the United States; he even wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants from the US. Striping mothers and fathers from their children, destroying families and the social fabricate of Latin Americans in the United States. Trump’s opinion on how to deal with minorities is akin to a fascist mentality, that the ills of the state lie with a particular ethnic group that has squandered the wealth of the nation, and seeks to destroy it from within. Mass deportation and the building of a massive 2,000 mile wall on the US-Mexican border, would seem like a far-fetched idea to most, but to Trump it’s the key to his immigration policy, which is a stepping stone to “make America great again”.

Trump’s Crusade against Islam 

Moreover, Islamphobia has been salient in America since 9/11, and though some political figures have detested Muslim immigration to their states, none so far have been as outspoken and forthright as Donald Trump. Though Trump has done many business deals with prominent Muslim businessmen from the UAE and Saudi Arabia, he has insisted he’ll take their money but not their way of life. Trump really has a bone to pick with Muslim-Americans, he has stated that he wants to monitor various Mosques’ across the US, create a database to register all Muslims in America giving them special identity cards, and prohibit all Muslims from arriving in United States. Trump’s policies are narrow-minded and discriminatory, and it brands Muslim’s as outsiders in America. Trump is reigniting Islamaphobia and hate crimes against Muslims, since he makes American-Muslims seem as though they are not Americans, making it alright to monitor, track and isolate them, as to make “America Great Again”.

Making America Great again or worse?

Consequently, Trump is the most radical and outspoken presidential candidate, and though most people see through his ignorant and hypocritical rhetoric, he has gained a large following of American’s who flock to his fear mongering, and boisterous statements of grandeur and unachievable promises. To most peoples’ disbelief Trump is a real contender for the 2016 presidential election, as he’s the lead Republican contender, with more than twice the points than that of the second Republican contender Ted Cruz, who is alsoDonald Trump’s running mate. Are we on the brink of seeing a new America, one with a different American dream, one were acceptance and tolerance are no longer fought for, is Trump to become the 21st Century new fascist leader, if so who can stump the Trump?